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Ear Infections


Symptoms & Causes

Your child might have an infection if he or she is suffering an earache,

trouble eating or sleeping, high temperature or a liquid/puss draining

from the ear. It’s important to consult their primary care doctor and

possibly an Ear, Nose & Throat doctor immediately if they are suffering

severely from these symptoms.


Diagnosis & Treatment

Your child’s doctor might recommend one of several different options depending on the severity and progression of the infection. Mild cases can heal on their own without the need for a treatment solution such as antibiotics. The use of a warm compress and gargling with salt water are other low-cost remedies your child’s doctor might consider. Conversely the physician might prescribe an over-the-counter ear-drop pain reliever or consider the use of antibiotics. Two procedures, tube surgery and adenoid surgery, are also options to consider.


Pediatric Ear Infections Prevention

The cause of ear infections can be bacterial or viral infections so try to teach kids to avoid germs as much as possible by washing their hands thoroughly and frequently. Make sure kids get plenty of sleep, avoid secondhand smoke and eat healthy.

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